Amphibious Ready Group for MSFS
Installing the freeware "Top Gun Expansion Pack" from the MSFS Marketplace is required for the product to work correctly.
It is required to deactivate Crash Detection to use this Addon.
An Amphibious Ready Group of the United States Navy consists of a naval element - group of Warships, and a landing force – fleet of aircraft. Together, these elements and supporting units are trained, organized and equipped to perform amphibious operations, such as offensive coastal landings, but have been used in the past for humanitarian, MedVac and transport missions.
Amphibious Ready Groups consist of one Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA), a Landing Platform Dock (LPD) and supporting vessels, such as LSDs and Frigates. These typically carry MV-22B Ospreys, F-35Bs, AV8Bs and attack/transport helicopters.
Worldwide, there are normally at least three ARGs deployed at all times, typically one in the Mediterranean Sea, and two in the Western Pacific. Under a slightly different configuration, which may include cruisers, destroyers and submarines, the Amphibious Ready Group then becomes an Expeditionary Strike Group.
Ships and Hard Decks
This product includes both STATIC AND MOVING SHIPS.
All STATIC locations of the USS America are spawnable, and feature both a “Runway” (Ready to Fly) as well as a “Parking” (Cold and Dark Start) position. All other ships feature Hard Decks, which can be landed on, but are not spawnable. All ships are easily identifiable on the World Map with POIs.
Included Ships
USS America Landing Helicopter Assault Ship (Spawnable)
USS San Antonio Landing Platform Dock Ship (Hard Deck)
USNS Mercy Hospital Ship (Hard Deck)
USS Lewis B. Puller Expeditionary Mobile Base (Hard Deck)
USS Virginia Nuclear Submarine
Static Ships
All 16 Locations are centered around USS America Carrier, and are identified by ICAO Codes:
AG01 San Diego (Former Home Port for USS America)
AG02 Sasebo (Current Home Post for USS America)
AG03 Gulf of Aden
AG04 Persian Gulf
AG05 Key West
AG06 Okinawa
AG07 Caribbean Sea
AG08 New River
AG09 South Mediterranean Sea
AG10 Philippines
AG11 Pascagoula (Sea Trials)
AG12 Portsmouth
AG13 Northern Mediterranean
AG14 Gulf of Bengal
AG15 Hawaii
AG16 Gibraltar Strait
Moving Ships
All 6 locations are identified with a POI on the map. The aircraft will spawn in the air, close to the carrier.
Pacific Coast
Phillipine Sea
Arabic Sea
Nav&Comm Frequencies
LHA Unicom Frequency: 121.00.
TACAN frequency (USS America, static ships only): 22X (108.50)
Notes and FAQs
When taxiing the Osprey on the deck, use the "Assisted Taxiing" tool, available in the InGame Panel.
Pause does not work on the deck of a moving ship. Do not pause the Sim while on the deck.
Disclaimer: Although this product resembles its real-world counterparts in many aspects, the product does not accurately represent (nor intends to accurately represent) the real ships design, features, systems or missions. It is for entertainment and educational purposes only, and shall not be used for real aircraft training or any other professional application.This product is not endorsed, supported by, related to, certified by or in any way connected to the US Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps or any manufacturer or operator. The product has been exclusively inspired by readily available information. This product falls into Fair Use of all applicable copyrighted and trademarked materials, as a transformative work inspired by the real ships.
Last updated