A UK Carrier Strike Group is a collection of naval assets from the United Kingdom, led by a Queen Elizabeth-Class aircraft carrier, that are organized and deployed with the goal of conducting a wide range of military operations at sea, including power projection, strike warfare, and maritime security operations.
A Carrier Strike Group from the United Kingdom typically consists of a Queen Elizabeth-Class Aircraft Carrier, two Type 23 Frigates and two Type 45 Destroyers, along with a fleet of F-35Bs Fighters, Wildcats, Chinooks and Merlin helicopters.
UK STOVL Carriers: Beautifully-modeled renditions of HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, including a Detailed Hangar and Bridge interiors. High level of detail and sharp PBR Texturing all around.
Escort Ships: Highly detailed, landable Escort ships, including British Type 23 Frigates and Type 45 Destroyers.
Moving and Static Ships: A total of 12 moving locations and 12 static (anchored) locations are included. All locations are indentifiable by ICAO code, and aircraft will spawn on deck.
Ski Jump: Hard-Deck Ski Jump Ramp for a realistic STOVL experience.
Miltech Simulations Carriers Toolbar App: In-sim toolbar for full control of the carriers. Uses same app as Supercarrier Pro - one app for all the Miltech Carriers.
All Type 23 Frigates and Type 45 Destroyers feature hard decks for helicopter flights.
Fully Accessible Hangar, Animated Elevators
Custom Deck Crew, animated.
Fully compatible with any aircraft, default or third party.
Full compatibility with Miltech Simulations Supercarrier Pro and CH47D
Navaids: ILS and TACAN are available on static carriers
Carrier Comms: UNICOM and ATIS are available on static carriers. Carrier ATC Voice channels available over Discord for all locations.
Full Multiplayer Support: Both moving and static carriers are fully compatible over multiplayer.
New on V2: Top Gun Expansion is no longer a requirement.
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Miltech Simulations
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