📦Cargo Load Capabilities

External Cargo dropping and loading are currently incompatible with our carrier products. We are actively looking for solutions to this issue.

The CH47D is a highly versatile support helicopter, designed to carry heavy cargo loads and transport troops from land and sea into the battlefield. Whether in remote locations, or challenging terrains such as deserts and mountains, the CH47D excels in its role.

Our rendition of the CH47D Features full cargo-loading and carrying capabilities, both in the internal cargo bay, and externally using sling loads.

Internal Cargo Configuration


The spacious cabin can be used for carrying troops, vehicles, supplies, and equipment. This rendition of the CH47D includes:

  • Troops: Depiction of a generic troop load being transported inside the helicopter.

  • Medvac: Depiction of a generic Medical Evacuation setup, with two injured patients escorted by a special military medical team.

  • Special Ops Rhib: Depiction of a Special Ops Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat that can be deployed to (or rescued from) a combat field directly from the helicopter.

  • Pallets: Depiction of a generic Pallet Setup for humanitarian aid, supply transport or heavy cargo transport.

  • Humvee: Depiction of a heavy armored vehicle, transported inside the cargo bay. A total of two humvees can be transported - one inside the helicopter and one externally.

Loading Procedure

The Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) is used to load and unload internal cargo to the aircraft.

  1. Turn on the EFB screen by pressing the HOME Button

  2. Navigate to the LOAD page

  3. Select "Internal Loads"

  4. Load/Unload cargo by pressing on the available options.

    1. A single cargo load type (External or Internal) can be active at any given moment.

    2. Selecting a different load type will unload the active option, and load the selected option.

    3. Loading any external cargo load will automatically unload any internal cargo.

Last updated