📍Worldwide Locations

At this time, we are not offering custom locations on an individual case-by-case. However, you can create a ticket on the Support Discord with the desired locations and we will consider adding them in a future update.

Moving vs Static Locations

The pack features both moving and static carrier locations. For more information on the differences: Moving vs Static Locations

Location Frequencies (UNICOM, ILS, TACAN)

Instrument Approach & Communications Equipment

Locations Map

Queen Elizabeth Carrier

Static Locations
  • (R081) Portsmouth

  • (R082) Halifax

  • (R083) New York

  • (R084) Cyprus

  • (R085) Edinburgh

  • (R086) Melbourne

Moving Locations
  • (RM81) Falkland Islands

  • (RM82) Irish Sea

  • (RM83) Scotland

  • (RM84) Vancouver Island

  • (RM85) North Sea

  • (RM86) Gulf of Aden

Prince of Wales Carrier

Static Locations
  • (R091) Gibraltar

  • (R092) Brunei

  • (R093) East Africa

  • (R094) British Virgin Islands

  • (R095) Blackpool

  • (R096) Northern Scotland

Moving Locations
  • (RM91) Guyana

  • (RM92) Eastern India

  • (RM93) Baltic Sea

  • (RM94) Mediterranean Sea

  • (RM95) USA Pacific Coast

  • (RM96) Celtic Sea

Last updated