đŸ›ŦInstrument Approach & Communications Equipment

Navigraph and similar apps that replace stock navigation data seem to be incompatible with Carrier TACANs. These apps seem to exclude any TACANs and Navaids not in the database. We are currently investigating this issue.

Tactical Air Navigation System (TACAN)

Navigation system used by military aircraft. It provides the user with bearing and distance to a ship-borne station. A TACAN typically has a range of 200 miles. TACAN is only available on static ship locations.

Queen Elizabeth TACAN

All Static Locations: 72X

Prince of Wales TACAN

All Static Locations: 72X

Instrument Landing System (ILS/ICLS)

This operates much like a traditional ILS system, but it is only operational for US aircraft carriers. Precision radio navigation system that provides short-range guidance to aircraft to allow them to approach a runway at night or in bad weather. ILS is only available on static ship locations.

Queen Elizabeth ILS

All Static Locations: 108.95

Heading depends on location.

Prince of Wales ILS

All Static Locations: 108.95

Heading depends on location.

Automated Carrier Landing System (ACLS)

ACLS is not available at static or moving locations, as this is currently not supported by MSFS.

Carrier Air Traffic Control Center (CATCC) & Communications

Static carriers are equipped with a UNICOM frequency for AI and multiplayer traffic communications using the stock MSFS ATC. Moving carriers are not equipped with UNICOM frequencies.

Static carriers are also equipped with ATIS for weather reports.

Queen Elizabeth UNICOM

All Static Locations: 121.00

Prince of Wales UNICOM

All Static Locations: 121.00

Last updated