VTB/HDD Display
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The Visualisation TΓͺte Basse (VTB), also known as Heads Down Display (HDD), displays radar information along with WX, Terrain, navigation, traffic, and aircraft load out.
Left Multifunction Buttons
Right Multifunction Buttons
Radar Declutter: INOP
Radar Mode: INOP
Brightness Knobs: From left to right:
Angle Marker Brightness
Display Brightness
Traffic and Misc. Symbology Brightness
Aircraft ADI and Compass Brightness
VTB/HDD Power Switch
Radar Background: Three different modes are supported (Terrain, WX and OFF). For more information read Radar Control Unit section below.
Radar Sweep Dashed Lines: Delimit the radar sweep modes (60deg, 30deg, 15deg). For more information read Radar Control Unit section below.
Cursor: Currently INOP, but will be used in the future to select and lock into targets.
INS Destination Waypoint: Destination waypoints are depicted in the map as a yellow cross. Under the icon, the distance in nautical miles will be displayed.
ADI Indicator: Serves as a digital Attitude Director Indicator with respect to the horizontal line.
Aircraft Velocity Vector and Compass: The Arrow indicates the forward path that the aircraft will follow, straight forward. Under the arrow, the current magnetic heading is indicated by the compass strip.
Traffic Sources: Traffic is displayed on the radar screen as an inverted "V" with a number attached, corresponding to the distance in nautical miles. Traffic will only display if traffic radar is set to ON in the Radar Control Unit. More information below.
Wind Information: Bearing and speed of wind displayed.
The Radar Control Unit, located on the left side of the cockpit next to the throttle, controls the VTB/HDD Display.
Dimmer: Not Modeled
Rearm: Not Modeled
Master Selector: Not Modeled
Test: Not Modeled
Traffic: Enables/Disables Traffic Radar, and traffic visualization on VTB/HUD/RWR
Power Mode: Not Modeled
Rearm: Not Modeled
PSIC: Not Modeled
Sweep Mode: 60/30/15, limits the Radar sweep mode, for all radar modes (Traffic, Terrain, WX)
A/A Mode Selector: Changes the VTB mode, from your typical "map mode" to a mode specifically designed for A/A attacks.
Track Lines: No function
TERR (Terrain): Enables Terrain Visualization on the VTB display. The terrain will display in green on the VTB if the sampled altitude is equal to or greater than the current aircraft altitude minus a 500-foot buffer. This provides the pilot with sufficient margin to make corrections and avoid a potential collision with the terrain.
VISU: Enables Weather Radar visualization on the VTB Display.
Mode: No function
Radar Gain: No function
Radar Range: 10/20/40/80, adjusts Range ("zoom") of the VTB Radar Screen
VAL: When the aircraft is on the ground AND stationary (groundspeed of zero), the VAL Button is used to access the Loads Management menu from where weapons, external tanks and other ordnances can be loaded. For more information, Head-Up Display (HUD)
DEC: Access Weapons Data page on VTB.
AC: No function
PER: No function