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Flares and Chaff are for visual effect only. These serve no practical function.
UNSUPPORTED: Flares are not rendered across multiplayer.
Countermeasures (Flares) are automatically loaded onto the aircraft upon first spawn. There are a limited number of flare pods loaded onto the aircraft, and as such these will run out after extended use. Flares will be automatically reloaded onto the aircraft as soon as the aircraft is stationary on the ground - no manual action is required. Flares are modeled for cosmetic purposes only. Single manual flare drops, as well as flare programs are supported.
Current Flare Count is displayed on the HUD, for more information see Head-Up Display (HUD)
Flares and Countermeasures are controlled from the Countermeasures Panel, just under the INS Panel, on the right side of the aircraft cockpit.
Jammer Operational Mode Selector: INOP
Jammer master Switch: INOP
Radar Warning Receiver master switch: INOP
D2M IR launch detector master switch: INOP
Flare Dispenser master switch: Three positions are available
A is ARRET (Off)
SA for Semiautomatic (manual release)
AU for Automatic (program release)
Flare program selector knob: Flare programs are dictated by the following table:
Locate the Countermeasures Panel on your aircraft.
Switch the Flare Dispenser Master Switch to the SA or AU Position.
Use SA to release flares individually. A limited amount of flares are loaded onto the aircraft, HUD symbology will automatically display flare count. Single keybind toggle will deploy a single flare.
If on AU, use knob in the right to select program. A means ARRET, program is off. Any other number indicates a different program to use.
Use Keybind Toggle Alternator 3
to trigger a program. Single keybind toggle will deploy a single flare (SA Mode), or a single Flare Program round (AU).