Hands-On-Throttle-And-Stick (HOTAS) System
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As it is common in MSFS, most of the real functions of the HOTAS system (Trim, Spoilers, Shooting weapons, etc.) can be easily keybinded to hardware given the difficulties of interacting with the physical stick and throttle models in MSFS. Refer to our keybinding guide here Keybinding Guide
Nose Wheel Steering: Enables/Disables Nose Wheel Steering. At this time, this function cannot be keybinded - however, keybinding will be enabled in the near future.
Hide Stick Clickspot: Hides the stick for easier visibility of the IFF Panel.
Hide Throttle clickspot: Hides the throttle for better access to the radar panel.
Spoilers Toggle: Extends/retracts the aircraft spoilers. It can also be keybinded.