Cockpit Overview
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HUD: Head-Up Display, more info here: Head-Up Display (HUD)
Angle of Attack Indicator: Indicates current Angle of Attack, in degrees. The Green Band indicates the ideal AoA during landing.
Master Caution/Master Warning Indicators: Amber Light indicates Master Caution, there is a problem but does not indicate imminent danger. Red Light indicates Master Warning, imminent danger. Both lights are directly linked to the warnings panel on the right side console. Pushing on either button will extinguish their respective lights and silence the alarms.
Active/Standby Frequency Displays: Displays active and standby COM1 Frequencies. For more info, Communication Systems
Autopilot Panel: Enables the selection, and displays status of the different autopilot modes. For more information, Autopilot System
Fly By Wire Norm/Vrille Selector: INOP
Vertical Speed Indicator: Displays vertical speed in feet/minute.
Autopilot Altitude Selector: Selects target altitude for ALT ATT Autopilot mode. More information here: Autopilot System
DEST Waypoint Increase/Decrease: Increases/decreases selected DEST Waypoint by one unit. More information Inertial Navigation System
Clock: Displays current ZULU Time
Airspeed/Mach Indicator: Displays current airspeed in Knots, and Mach Number.
Altitude Indicator, Altitude Calibration Knob: Displays current altitude in Feet, as well as altimeter setting in milibar. The altimeter setting can be changed using the selection knob.
Poste de Commande Armement (PCA) Panel: Weapons Control Panel, more information PCA and PPA Panels
Visualisation Tête Basse (VTB) Display: Radar Heads Down Display (HDD), more information VTB/HDD Display
Standby Attitude Director Indicator, Cage Knob: Displays current aircraft attitude in pitch and roll.
Attitude Director Indicator/Magnetic Compass: Main Attitude indicator, displays current aircraft attitude in pitch and roll, as well as current magnetic heading.
HUD Pedestal/Control Panel: Controls options in the HUD, more information Head-Up Display (HUD)
G-Meter Indicator: Displays acceleration forces in G.
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR): Displays traffic sources near the aircraft. More information Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) System
Post Combustion (Afterburner) Light: Lights up if the engine Afterburner is toggled.
DEMAR Light: Lights up if the engine ignitor is engaged.
Engine Instruments: Displays engine RPM and Temperature, in degrees C*100.
Fuel Flow Indicator: Displays current fuel flow in Kg/min
Bingo Fuel Selector: Selects fuel quantity at which the Bingo warning will light up. Bingo fuel is defined as the safe quantity of fuel required to return to base.
Engine Fire Indicators: Not modeled due to lack of failure simulation in MSFS.
Fuel Control Panel: Displays fuel quantity and manages fuel transfers. More information Fuel System
Bearing, Distance, Heading Indicator (BDHI): Displays current heading, as well as bearing and distance to selected navigation source. More information, Bearing Distance Heading Indicator (BDHI)
Poste de Préparation Armement (PPA) Panel: Weapons Configuration Panel. More information PCA and PPA Panels
Transponder Code Selector: Used to select Squack code.
Transponder IDENT Switch: Used to set Transponder IDENT
IFF (Information Friend or Foe) Panel: Not Modeled, unsupported by MSFS.
Hydraulic Pressure Indicators, in bar x10
Cabin Pressure Indicator, in bar x1000
Cockpit Canopy Handle: Slider handle allows for the opening of the canopy, from 0% (Fully Closed), to 100% (Fully Opened).
The handle also controls visibility of the Access Ladder, based on the following conditions: Canopy is fully opened AND engine is off AND parking brake is set.
Drag Chute Handle: The slider handle deploys the aircraft's drag chute. The chute will only deploy if the landing gear is down and the spoilers are extended. Drag chute is automatically ejected when aircraft's ground speed is lower than 30kts.