Configuration Display
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Rudder Trim Indicator
Stabilizer Trim Indicator
Aileron Trim Indicator
Spoiler Mode Indicator: DLC Appears when spoilers are being used in the lift control mode during approach (Spoilers deployed and Flaps >1/2). SPD BR appears when spoilers are used in speed brake mode (Spoilers deployed and Flaps <1/2). GND Appears when spoilers are used on the ground for full stop landings or touch and gos.
Aircraft Control Panel: Displays the position and deflection of all control surfaces against the aircraft outline.
Flap Status Indicators: Display flap readouts according to the flaps lever: UP, ½, ¾ and FULL
Slat Status Indicator: Indicates if Slats are extended or retracted.
Brake Temperature Indicator: in degrees Celsius
Landing Gear Status Indicator
Screen Brightness Selector: Cycles through display OFF/Night (Low Brightness Mode) and Day (High Brightness Mode).
Multi-Function Display Selector: Cycles through the different pages available on the MFD. First click on ENG will open the EPR Page, second click the extended Engine page and third the Engine Oil page.