Known Bugs, Updates & Product Roadmap
Known Bugs
As with any revolutionary piece of software, there will be some bugs at the beginning. We have acknowledged and fixed the following bugs:
Product Updates
Supercarrier Pro v1.2.0 - Released May 14th, 2024
FrenchCDG Will receive LSO Callouts in French
Add steam to FrenchCDG Catapults
Add flag to FrenchCDG Static Ships
Night Lighting Improvements
After catapulting staff remains on deck fixed
Add Bearing and Distance to all carrier locations (moving and static) after entering the 30nm Carrier Area. The Bearing and Distance indications will display on the top left side of the FLOLS on the Landing page of the Toolbar App.
Changes to the toolbar app - the new Universal Toolbar App will enable control of all existing and upcoming Miltech Carriers Products on a single app.
Entire Changelog available here:
Last updated