Landing Signal Officer (LSO)

Miltech's Supercarrier Pro package features a full LSO. The Landing Signal Officer is a naval aviator trained to facilitate the safe and expeditious recovery of aircraft aboard aircraft carriers. The LSO assists the pilots by giving information via radio handsets.

LSO is always active on Miltech Supercarriers except if "LSO And Feedback" is turned off on the Supercarrier Toolbar Settings Tab

  • The LSO will become active regardless if Supercarrier Toolbar is open or not, and regardless of which radio frequency the aircraft is set to.

  • LSO activates at a distance of 0.75nm of the Carrier. The pilot automatically makes a call to the LSO when in final approach - either "BALL" or "CLARA"

    • BALL indicates aircraft is on track for landing and has the FLOLS Ball in sight. Typically followed by "Roger Ball" from the LSO.

    • CLARA indicates the aircraft is off track or FLOLS ball is not on sight. Usually followed by instructions on which way to align, and soon after either "BALL" or "Waveoff"

Approach Guidance

The LSO will guide your approach with callouts and begin judging your performance.

First, a "State Feedback" is given on your initial situation on approach following this matrix. The following Matrix also indicates how many points are deducted given the different callouts. Points are deducted based on how much time you spend in each of the color levels.

Following the State Feedback Matrix, the LSO will continue giving progressive feedback until the aircraft is on the ground OR Bolters OR Waveoffs, following this matrix:

Immediate Action Callouts

  • BOLTER: Indicates the aircraft has not waved off (may have landed correctly) but no cables were caught. Requires that the pilot quickly applies full throttle and performs a go-around. Immediate action is required as the aircraft is in danger of stalling or falling off the deck.

  • WAVEOFF: Indicates that either the approach has been unstable, or aircraft is beyond the parameters for a safe landing. Requires the pilot to apply throttle and perform a go-around.


Feedback is given after Recovery has been successful, the aircraft Bolters or a Wave-off is triggered. Feedback is based on the two matrices above, and whether the aircraft has had a stable and correct approach.

Specific Feedback is provided clicking on the (i) Icon. Final scoring and feedback is based on three main categories: Alignment, AoA and Altitude. Final scoring is given from 0-5 Points on Regular mode and 0-10 Points on Easy mode.

Grading goes according to the following table:


_ OK

OK Underline

Perfect Pass! - Rarely Awarded


OK Pass

Good pass: Deviations with good corrections



Fair pass: Reasonable deviations



Safe pass where aircraft fails to hook a wire


No Grade

No grade: Below average but safe. Fail to listen to LSO


Cut Pass

Cut pass: Unsafe deviations, unacceptable


Own Waveoff

Pilot decided to Waveoff (go Around)



Waveoff, LSO decided to Go Around


The "Regular" mode is representative of the real challenges and difficulty of landing on an aircraft carrier in real life. However, an "Easy mode" was developed for training of unexperienced pilots, as well as entertainment purposes.

  • Regular scores are given from 0-5 Points

  • Easy Mode scores are given from 0-10 Points

Easy mode is available on the Miltech Supercarrier Toolbar, on the Settings Tab

Last updated