Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
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An Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) is a digital device, generally a Tablet, that provides the pilot with additional information. On Miltech Simulations CH47D, the EFB is the main way of interacting with the aircraft - from operating doors, launching missions, and loading cargo.
Displays a generic terrain OR satellite map on the tablet.
Allows loading and unloading of cargo, both in the inner cargo bay and externally. More details here: Cargo Load Capabilities
EFB Page Selector
Internal Loads: Displays complete list of internal loads available on the load selector. (More info: Cargo Load Capabilities)
External Loads: Displays complete list of external loads available on the load selector. (More info: Cargo Load Capabilities)
Load Selector: Display lists of loads available, depending on which option (internal/external) is selected. Clicking on any load will spawn it, either inside the cargo bay (internal) or near the aircraft (external).
External Load Selected, in this example the RHIB Boat.
External Load Radar & Target: Upon selecting an external load, the object will spawn near the aircraft (usually at 9-o-clock). The radar screen allows the user to easily navigate the aircraft to the hover point directly above the load. The user must then slowly and carefully fly the aircraft until the red dot (target) is fully inside the green ring, and hover in position for a few seconds.
Altitude above Ground Radar: To safely operate the aircraft in hover and successfully pick up the loads, the user must consider the altitude above ground. The range for picking up loads is from 15-45 feet above ground. A white arrow on the right side of the scale indicates the ideal pickup altitude ("target altitude"). Ideally, you are at, or slightly above, the target altitude. Loads will be automatically released upon crossing below 50ft.
Hoist/Sling Status: Displays the status of the sling loads. Will display a countdown from 5-0 when the aircraft is in hover position within the pickup limits, after which it will display "Hooked". Will display "Released" upon release of the loads due to crossing below 50ft. Will display "Broken" if the maximum G value has been broken or in violent maneuvers.
Hook Mode: Displays the required hook mode to be selected on the overhead panel for successful pick up of the loads. If the Hook Mode is not selected correctly, a red blinking warning will be displayed.
Beware of sling load limitations - must fly at maximum 120kts and avoid violent maneuvers when carrying external loads.
Displays the aircraft checklist right on the EFB Tablet for ease of access.
EFB Page Selector
Checklist Page/Category Selector
Checklist Items: Clicking will check the items. "Resets" unchecks all items.
Reset Button: Unchecks all checklist items
Enables operation of all dors available in the aircraft:
Main Side Door
On the ground, both the top and bottom sections of the exit open for full access.
In-flight or upon takeoff, only the top sliding portion opens.
Hoist Door
Can be operated manually. Opens automatically upon selection of "Mid" Hoist mode. More information in Cargo Load Capabilities
Ramp Door
Both the top side and bottom side of the ramp can be operated independently.
On the ground, ramp is fully lowered.
In-flight or upon takeoff, ramp is raised to "Flight Position" automatically.
Slide can be extended only if Ramp is lowered and Top is open.
Cockpit Doors (Pilot and Copilot) are for emergency use only, and therefore once jettisoned they cannot be closed unless you restart the flight. To jettison Pilot/Copilot cockpit doors, click on the yellow/black Striped Handle.
Displays fuel quantity per tank.
EFB Page Selector
Fuel Tank Displays. Fuel quantities can be modified upon clicking any of the fuel tank displays.
Crash detection must be OFF for Missions to load correctly, as Crashes may interfere with our loading scripts.
Enables access to Mission-Based Content. More Information: Missions
EFB Page Selector
Mission Type Selector
Mission List Selector
Allows configuration of the aircraft:
EFB Page Selector
Category Selector: Select between System Config (GPS, Instrumentation, Effects) and Accessories Config (Seats, Pilot Models, External Antennas and Accessories)
System Configuration Options List
FUTURE UPDATE: Support for other GPS: GTN750
Save Button: Will save all your config options (in both System and Accessories Pages). Saved Options will be automatically loaded the next time you launch the aircraft.
Accessories Configuration Options List