Main Instrument Panel
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Master Caution/Advisory Panel
Missile Alert Display (INOP)
FIRE Test Switches (INOP)
IFF/GPS Zeroize Switch (INOP)
Engine 1/Engine 2 N1: Gas Producer Tachometer
Power Turbine Inlet Temperature Indicator
Engine Oil Temperature Indicator
Engine Oil Pressure Indicator
Transmission Oil Pressure Indicator
Transmission Oil Pressure Selector: selects system to display on #10
Transmission Oil Temperature Indicator
Transmission Oil Temperature Indicator: selects system to display on #12
FWD Longitudinal Cyclic Trim Indicator
AFT Longitudinal Cyclic Trim Indicator
Fuel Flow Indicator
Fuel Quantity Indicator
Fuel Quantity Selector: selects tank to display on #17
Caution Light Test
VHF Antenna Selector (INOP)
Cruise Guide Indicator (CGI): Gives the pilot a visual indication of the loads imposed on critical components. Needle should be kept in the green band, with only transient excursions into the yellow band.
CGI Test: Up for FWD Rotor System, down for AFT Rotor System.
Rotor Tachometer (RPM %). Small needle measures from 0-50%, large needle from 50-130%
Airspeed Indicator (Knots)
Radar Altimeter
Attitude Indicator
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
Heading Selector: Affects both the heading (HSI heading bug) and Autopilot Heading Select.
Course Selector
HSI Mode Select: Selects source for navigation data (VOR, TACAN, ADF)
Barometric Altimeter
Vertical Speed Indicator
Turn and Slip Indicator
Radar Altimeter Dimmer Knob
Rotor Tachometer (RPM %). Small needle measures from 0-50%, large needle from 50-130%
Airspeed Indicator (Knots)
Radar Altimeter
Attitude Indicator
Course Selector
Heading Selector: Affects only the HSI heading bug
HSI Mode Select: Selects source for navigation data (VOR, TACAN, ADF)
Barometric Altimeter
Vertical Speed Indicator
Turn and Slip Indicator
Radar Altimeter Dimmer Knob