Quick Start Guide
Getting Started
The CH47D is a rather simple aircraft to understand. The Tandem Rotor Design makes it an inherently stable helicopter, requiring no antitorque pedaling. Systems-wise, is what you would expect from an aircraft designed in the 1960s - your typical steam gauges.
You must, however, make sure your controls are correctly configured for helicopter flight. Out of the box, MSFS will interpret your regular throttle, elevator, and aileron axis as collective, cyclic longitudinal, and cyclic lateral axis respectively. However, it is important that if you are used to flying other helicopters, the CH47D does not make use of "Helicopter Throttle Axis" and therefore you must keep it deactivated on your hardware.
More information on how to configure your hardware is available here: Recommended Hardware Configuration
Launching the Aircraft
Launch MSFS and select Miltech Simulations CH47D.
Select any scenery of your preference. We remind you that this product includes sceneries and scenes that can be used to enhance your flying experience:
RAF Odiham EGVO (UK), home of the No. 7, 18 and 27 squadrons.
Bryant Airfield PAFR (Alaska), home of the Army Alaska Task Force CH47s.
Chabelley Airfield HDCH (Djibouti), a growing US Military Base, key for the stability of the Horn of Africa region.
Camp Resilience US01 (Jordan), a fictional military outpost serving as base for Army CH47s.
Al Sahra Base US02 (Kuwait), a fictional military outpost serving as base for Army CH47s.
Multiple small training facilities, exercise scenes, and rescue scenes.
More information on included sceneries here: Included Scenery Packages
If you start from C&D, follow the Normal Procedures Checklist
Doing Cargo Load Operations
Cargo Loading Operations (Both internal and External) follow special procedures, listed here:
Cargo Load Operations - Internal
Cargo Load Operations - External
Familiarize yourself with these procedures as it may confusing the first time you use them.
Launching Missions
Miltech Simulations CH47D includes a growing number of missions.
Missions are predefined flights, from one location to another, featuring custom sceneries in both the initial and final locations and activities to do along the way. Missions are only accessible through the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) on free flight.
Follow the Special Mission Procedures here: Mission Procedures
For Firefighting Missions, follow: Firefighting Operations
All included missions are listed here: Missions
Last updated