Overhead Panel
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Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS) Fans/Doors: Turns fan on/Opens EAPS Doors on ENG1 and ENG2 when EAPS are installed ( ). This has no impact on engine performance.
Position Lights: Three-way switch (DIM, OFF, BRT). Sets external Green/Red Position (Navigation) Lights on/off.
Formation Lights: Sets external Green Formation lights on (NVG)/off (NORM).
Formation Lights Dimmer: Controls the intensity of Formation Lights when Switch is NVG.
Top Anticollision Lights: Toggles flashing red Top Anticollision Light on/off.
Bottom Anticollision Lights: Toggles flashing red Top Anticollision Light on/off.
Copilot Seach Lights: Toggles Copilot side Search Light on/off. Search Lights are generally used as Landing Lights.
Copilot Instrument Lights Dimmer: Controls the intensity of light of the Copilot Instruments.
Overhead Lights Dimmer: Controls the intensity of the overhead panel green backlight.
Center Console Lights: Controls the intensity of the center panel green backlight.
Stick Position Indicator Lights: Controls the intensity of the stick position indicator (INOP, indicator not installed on this aircraft)
Fuel Crossfeed Valve: Opens/Closes the Crossfeed Valve connecting both fuel systems.
Left Fuel Tank Pumps: Controls the left-side fuel pumps (AFT AUX, two MAIN pumps, and FWD AUX)
Right Fuel Tank Pumps: Controls the right-side fuel pumps (AFT AUX, two MAIN pumps, and FWD AUX)
Refueling Station: Enables single Point Refueling (No Sim Function)
Instrument Flood Lights: Turns on/off Green Instrument Flood Lights, located just under the instrument sun visor. Brightness is controlled by dimmer knob (#20). Instrument flood lights will illuminate only if this switch is ON and the brightness knob is at a setting other than OFF.
Overhead Flood Lights: Turns on/off Green Instrument Overhead Lights. Brightness is controlled by dimmer knob (#20). Instrument flood lights will illuminate only if this switch is ON and the brightness knob is at a setting other than OFF.
Emergency Lights: Arms or disarms the emergency exit lights.
Dome Lights: Three-Way Switch (DOME WHT, OFF, NVG). Turns On/Off the Dome lights. DOME WHT uses the white lighting lamps in the cabin to illuminate the cockpit and cargo bay. NVG makes use of the green lighting only, illuminating the cockpit.
Instrument/Overhead Flood Lights Dimmer: Controls intensity of both Instrument and Overhead Flood lights. For this knob to function, one or both switches must be set to the ON position.
Pilot Search Lights: Toggles Pilot side Search Light on/off. Search Lights are generally used as Landing Lights.
Center Instrument Lights Dimmer: Controls the intensity of light of the Center Instruments.
Pilot Instrument Lights Dimmer: Controls the intensity of light of the Pilot Instruments.
Windshield Antiice: Controls the Windshield Antiice (Copilot/Center/Pilot)
Pitot Antiice: Controls the Pilot Antiice
Compass Annunciator: No Sim Function
Compass Slaving Switch: No Sim Function
Compass Synchronizing Knob: No Sim Function
Red/Green Troop Warning Lights
Green/Red Troop Warking Lights Switch: Three-Way Switch (Green/OFF/Red)
Troop Alarm
Heat Blower: Blower Only/Off/Heater On, No Sim Function
Cabin Temperature Selector: No Sim Function
Windshield Wiper Selector: Park/Off/Slow/Med/Fast
Battery Switch
APU Switch: Off/Run/Start
Generator 1/2 Switches: Three-way Position (Test/OFF/On)
APU Generator Switch: Three-way Position (Test/OFF/On)
Engine 1/2 Condition Levers: Stop/GRD/FLT. Stop cuts off fuel to the engines, shutting the engines down. GND position is meant to be used while on the ground (NOTE: after SU15 is released, GND POSITION will limit the engines to 53% RPM and rotor to 50% as per the real aircraft).
FADEC Operation Switch 1: FADECs can be operated in Primary (PRI) or revisionary (REV) mode. No Sim Function.
FADEC NR% Selector: Select the target rotor RPM between 97% and 103%
FADEC Operation Switch 2: FADECs can be operated in Primary (PRI) or revisionary (REV) mode. No Sim Function.
Backup Power: Enables the FADEC units to be powered from the aircraft battery.
ENGINE START Switch: Engages starter for engine 1/2.
Load Share: Selects between PTIT (turbine inlet temperature) or TRQ matching for sharing load between engines. No Sim Function.
Hoist Cable Cut: No Sim Function
Hoist Control Knob: No Sim Function
Hoist Master Switch: Remote/Off/Pilot, No Sim Function
Hook Switch Master: Reset/Off/ARM, No Sim Function
Hook Mode Selector: Selects the hook configuration used by external loads. Correct configuration selection (eg. Tandem/Mid) is required for external equipment to be loaded correctly. More information: Cargo Load Operations - External
Hook Emergency Release: No Sim Function
Hydraulic Transfer Switch 1/2: Provides hydraulic pressure to systems 1/2 when the engines are off.
Flight Control Selector: No Sim Function
Power Steering Hydraulics: No Sim Function
Ramp Power: No Sim Function
Ramp Emergency: No Sim Function