CDU - Menu 2
Accessible through a second click of the CDU Button
COMM1 Freq: COMM1 Frequency. To input frequency, first click on the selector button. A green blinking box will appear. Type the COMM1 Frequency using the CDU Keyboard. Click ENTER to confirm.
COMM2 Freq: COMM2 is not supported by MSFS. COMM2 will always follow the value for COMM1.
VOR/ILS Freq: VOR/ILS Frequency. To input frequency, first click on the selector button. A green blinking box will appear. Type the VOR/ILS Frequency using the CDU Keyboard. Click ENTER to confirm. NAV1 is on the Left side, NAV2 on the right side.
BARO Press: Resets the Barometric Pressure to 27.99 inHg. To input pressure, first click on the selector button. A green blinking box will appear. Type the pressure in mmHg using the CDU Keyboard. Click ENTER to confirm. If pressure is out of range, it will automatically reset to the lower or higher allowed value.
RAD ALT LOW SET: Sets the minimum altitude at which the radio altimeter is activated. To input a value, first click on the selector button. A green blinking box will appear. Type the altitude in ft using the CDU Keyboard. Click ENTER to confirm. If value is out of range, it will automatically reset to the lower or higher allowed value.
Mode 3A Code (Transponder): Sets the transponder (Squawk) value. To input a value, first click on the selector button. A green blinking box will appear. Type the altitude in ft using the CDU Keyboard. Click ENTER to confirm.
TACAN: Tactical Air Navigation. To input, follow the same procedure as VOR/ILS Freq
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